XRP(XRP) harga ayeuna $2.24|暗号通貨 XRP(XRP) とは?特徴・今後の将来性は? 時価総額|チャート分析・相場状況|購入・売買方法|取引所・販売所・両替所|仮想通貨 XRP(XRP) 総合情報まとめ

Hayu urang ningkatkeun waktos jual beuli sareng akurasi perdagangan ku analisa bagan aset crypto

XRP(XRP) harga ayeuna $2.24|暗号通貨 XRP(XRP) とは?特徴・今後の将来性は? 時価総額|チャート分析・相場状況|購入・売買方法|取引所・販売所・両替所|仮想通貨 XRP(XRP) 総合情報まとめ

Dipasang ku : Gvmg – Grup Pamasaran Viral Global
Tanggal pembaruan terakhir : 22/12/2024 UTC (Waktos Universal Koordinasi)

Ripple(XRP)の現在価格と時価総額 Ripple(XRP)速報とニュースのお知らせ

Ripple(XRP) 速報・ニュース

Kilat berita panganyarna ngeunaan cryptocurrency information Inpormasi pasar | Prospek ka hareup sareng ka hareup
Kilat berita panganyarna ngeunaan cryptocurrency information Inpormasi pasar | Prospek ka hareup sareng ka hareup
Ripple(XRP) Inpormasi komprehensif dikirimkeun sacara real waktos
2024年12月22日 (UTC:Perjanjian waktos dunya – 22/12/2024)


Ripple(XRP) 速報・ニュースのお知らせです

mata uang enkripsi XRP(XRP)Harga ayeuna nyaéta$2.24nyaéta

AyeunaXRP(XRP) 価格価値$2.24を、過去24時間(前日)の価格推移で比較すると、前日比-2.50% turunの流動性、取引実績となりました

Ogé,XRP(XRP)Jumlah artos ayeuna:$2.24Di sisi anu sanésnaXRP(XRP) Nilai pasar(Tutup pasar koin)Nyaéta$128.31 BVolume(Volume dagang / Volume)Nyaéta ngarékam

現在、XRP(XRP) Tutup pasar koin(XRP/XRPの時価総額)Nyaéta$128.31 Bnyaéta

XRP(XRP)がこの24時間で取引された総額(Volume / Volume / Volume)IrahaXRP(XRP)の価格変動率(Babandingan sareng dinten harita)を数値化すると、XRP(XRP)Nyaéta-2.50% turunのボラティリティを示している事になります


リアルタイム配信中のXRP(XRP)ニュース・総合情報を参考に XRP(XRP) 現在価値 $2.24からの今後の展望、価格推移、XRP(XRP)の変動具合、将来性に注目し、XRP(XRP)の売買、XRP(XRP)トレード、エントリータイミングの指標として活用していきましょう

Mésér / Sell Ripple

  • ripple
    XRP (XRP)
  • Harga langsung
  • 24h %
  • Kapital Pasar
    $128.31 B
  • Volume
    $13.21 B
  • Suplai Sayogi
    57.25 B XRP
  • Pangkat

data rujukan:mata uang enkripsi Ripple(XRP) / Coinmarketcap.com (Tutup pasar koin)

Mésér / Sell Ripple




mata uang enkripsi(mata uang maya) Naon harga ayeuna merek anu disarankeun? Naon harga sareng nilai real-time? Naon masa depanna?
mata uang enkripsi(mata uang maya) Naon harga ayeuna merek anu disarankeun? Naon harga sareng nilai real-time? Naon masa depanna?



mata uang enkripsi : Ripple(XRP)Naon Mata Artos Virtual : RippleNaon ciri-cirina? Cryptocurrency Ripple(XRP)Naon masa depan sareng nilai? Mata uang digital Ripple(XRP)Harga / nilai pasar / transisi harga / volume(Volume transaksi)Naon?


Ngaran mérek mata uang maya : Ripple

Lambang mérek mata uang maya : XRP



Ripple(XRP)Kuring diusahakeun nyimpulkeun fitur tina


Ripple(XRP)Naon ciri-cirina?
Ripple(XRP)Naon harga ayeuna tina
Ripple(XRP)Harga / nilai pasar / harga transisi / pasokan / polumeu(Volume transaksi)Naon?
Ripple(XRP)Naon masa depan sareng nilai?
Ripple(XRP)Sabaraha hargana bakal kahareup?
Ripple(XRP)bursa nu bisa meuli jeung ngajual?
Ripple(XRP)Naha aya bursa dimana anjeun tiasa tukeur artos?

Cryptocurrency:Ripple(XRP)価格予想など Ripple(XRP) Data lengkep ngeunaan!

Saham Cryptocurrency:Ripple(XRP) Ayeuna, data anu kapengker, analisis grafik, jsb. Ripple(XRP)Ramalan dagang, analisa perdagangan Ripple(XRP)Mata uang maya sapertos bursa, kantor penjualan, sareng kantor bursa anu gunana pikeun jual beuli Ripple(XRP) Anjeun tiasa ogé mariksa daptar inpormasi dagang dina daptar.! Ogé, salaku inpormasi anu manpaat pikeun budak di bawah umur Ripple(XRP)Urang ogé bakal ngajelaskeun inpormasi penambangan ngeunaan cryptocurrency dina umumna.!

Ngaran mata uang maya:Ripple(XRP)|Ripple(XRP) Harga ayeuna |Ripple(XRP) Harga langsung |Ripple(XRP) 24Transisi harga waktos |Ripple(XRP) Nilai pasar |Ripple(XRP) Pasokan sareng polumeu(Volume transaksi)|Ripple(XRP) Peunteun peringkat

Ngaran mérek mata uang maya : Ripple
Lambang mérek mata uang maya : XRP

Ngaran mata uang maya : Ripple(XRP) |Ripple(XRP)Harga ayeuna |Ripple(XRP)Harga langsung |Ripple(XRP)Transisi harga 24 jam |Ripple(XRP)Nilai pasar |Ripple(XRP)Pasokan sareng polumeu(Volume transaksi)|Ripple(XRP)Peunteun evaluasi |Ripple(XRP)Hayu urang analisa popularitas sareng tren trend ti!

mata uang enkripsi Ripple(XRP)Nilai pasar real-time tina!

2024年12月22日 UTC (Perjanjian waktos dunya) Asét crypto ayeuna Ripple(XRP) Éta bakal janten kaayaan hirup!

Mésér / Sell Ripple

  • ripple
    XRP (XRP)
  • Harga langsung
  • 24h %
  • Kapital Pasar
    $128.31 B
  • Volume
    $13.21 B
  • Suplai Sayogi
    57.25 B XRP
  • Pangkat

data rujukan:mata uang enkripsi Ripple(XRP) / Coinmarketcap.com (Tutup pasar koin)

Mésér / Sell Ripple

mata uang enkripsi:Ripple(XRP) Buletin Berita Pangénggal |Ripple(XRP) Émbaran Pasar |Ripple(XRP)Prospék pikahareupeun sareng pikahareupeun

mata uang enkripsi:Ripple(XRP)Buletin Berita Pangénggal |Ripple(XRP)Inpormasi pasar pang anyarna |Ripple(XRP)Kami bakal ngawartosan anjeun ngeunaan masa depan, prospek sareng pandangan ka hareup, ramalan harga ka hareup, sareng sajabana.!

Asét kriptografi:Ripple(XRP) Naon harga ayeuna? |Ripple(XRP) Tutup pasar koin(Nilai pasar)Naon? | Kalayan dinten sateuacanRipple(XRP)Babandingan transisi harga |Ripple(XRP) Status / kaayaan pasar ayeuna / tren pasar |Ripple(XRP)Ramalan harga / pasar di masa depan sareng masa depan

mata uang enkripsi XRP(XRP)Harga ayeuna nyaéta$2.24nyaéta

AyeunaXRP(XRP) 価格価値$2.24を、過去24時間(前日)の価格推移で比較すると、前日比-2.50% turunの流動性、取引実績となりました

Ogé,XRP(XRP)Jumlah artos ayeuna:$2.24Di sisi anu sanésnaXRP(XRP) Nilai pasar(Tutup pasar koin)Nyaéta$128.31 BVolume(Volume dagang / Volume)Nyaéta ngarékam

現在、XRP(XRP) Tutup pasar koin(XRP/XRPの時価総額)Nyaéta$128.31 Bnyaéta

XRP(XRP)がこの24時間で取引された総額(Volume / Volume / Volume)IrahaXRP(XRP)の価格変動率(Babandingan sareng dinten harita)を数値化すると、XRP(XRP)Nyaéta-2.50% turunのボラティリティを示している事になります


リアルタイム配信中のXRP(XRP)ニュース・総合情報を参考に XRP(XRP) 現在価値 $2.24からの今後の展望、価格推移、XRP(XRP)の変動具合、将来性に注目し、XRP(XRP)の売買、XRP(XRP)トレード、エントリータイミングの指標として活用していきましょう

Mata uang digital:Ripple(XRP)| Kaayaan arus sareng transisi harga Kaayaan pasar |Ripple(XRP) Tutup pasar koin(Nilai pasar)Volume(Kaluar jangkung)Sareng dominasi?Ripple(XRP) Naha hargana naék?Ripple(XRP) Naha hargana turun?

Ripple(XRP) Tutup pasar koin(Nilai pasar)Nyaéta Ripple(XRP) Éta ogé bakal janten sinyal indikator anu penting pikeun soaring, ragrag, ngajual sareng ngagaleuh, janten kapayunnaRipple(XRP)Anggo salaku panunjuk atanapi petunjuk pikeun ramalan harga!

Naon ari pasar koin?

Éta ngarujuk kana merek cryptocurrency sareng nilai pasar kalebet Altcoin.!
Istilah pasar cap sering dianggo pikeun ngajelaskeun nilai pasar saham masing-masing.、Nilai pasar tina sadaya pasar kadang disebut cap pasar.。

Diitung ku jumlah saham anu dikaluarkeun x harga saham。

Mata uang digital : Ripple(XRP) wartos

· Ripple(XRP) Naha harga naék? acan,Ripple(XRP) Naha hargana naék?

· Ripple(XRP) Naha hargana turun? Ogé,Ripple(XRP) Naha hargana turun?

Ripple(XRP) Status arus sareng transisi hargaRipple(XRP) Kami bakal nginpokeun ka Anjeun tentang berita ngeunaan kaayaan pasar sacara real-time!

Mata uang digital:Ripple(XRP)| Kaayaan arus sareng transisi harga Kaayaan pasar |Ripple(XRP) Tutup pasar koin(Nilai pasar)Volume(Kaluar jangkung)Sareng dominasi?Ripple(XRP) Naha hargana naék?Ripple(XRP) Naha hargana turun?

Mata uang digital : Ripple(XRP)
Tutup pasar koin(Nilai pasar)Volume(Kaluar jangkung)Sareng dominasi?

  • Market Cap: $3,473,821,506,105.87
  • 24h Vol: $209,718,162,058.25
  • BTC Dominance: 55.21%


Ripple(XRP) Tutup pasar koin(Nilai pasar)/ボリューム(Kaluar jangkung)/Dominasi

USD(Dolar A.S.)

  • Kapital Pasar: $3,473.82 B
  • 24h Vol: $209.72 B
  • Dominasi BTC: 55.21%


Ripple(XRP) Tutup pasar koin(Nilai pasar)/ボリューム(Kaluar jangkung)/Dominasi


  • Kapital Pasar: £0
  • 24h Vol: £0
  • Dominasi BTC: 55.21%


Ripple(XRP) Tutup pasar koin(Nilai pasar)/ボリューム(Kaluar jangkung)/Dominasi


  • Kapital Pasar: €0
  • 24h Vol: €0
  • Dominasi BTC: 55.21%


Ripple(XRP) Tutup pasar koin(Nilai pasar)/ボリューム(Kaluar jangkung)/Dominasi

CHF(Swiss franc)

  • Kapital Pasar: Fr 0
  • 24h Vol: Fr 0
  • Dominasi BTC: 55.21%


Yén Jepang(Yen Jepang)

Ripple(XRP) Tutup pasar koin(Nilai pasar)/ボリューム(Kaluar jangkung)/Dominasi

  • Kapital Pasar: ¥0
  • 24h Vol: ¥0
  • Dominasi BTC: 55.21%


CNY(Yuan cina)

Ripple(XRP) Tutup pasar koin(Nilai pasar)/ボリューム(Kaluar jangkung)/Dominasi

  • Kapital Pasar: ¥0
  • 24h Vol: ¥0
  • Dominasi BTC: 55.21%

Ngaran aset Cryptographic:Ripple(XRP) Bagan waktu nyata |Ripple(XRP) Analisis grafik / ngabandingkeun data |Ripple(XRP)ngabandingkeun harga

AyeunaRipple(XRP) Data bagan

Ngaran aset Cryptographic:Ripple(XRP) Mangrupikeun bagan real-time!

Ripple(XRP) Pariksa analisis diagram / ngabandingkeun data bagan!

Ayeuna / baheulaRipple(XRP)Bandingkeun harga pikeun ningkatkeun waktos dagang sareng akurasi dagang!

Ripple(XRP) Data bagan tiasa diparios dina 1 dinten, 1 minggu, 1 bulan, 3 bulan, periode 1 taun!

Hayu urang ningkatkeun waktos jual beuli sareng akurasi perdagangan ku analisa bagan aset crypto
Hayu urang ningkatkeun waktos jual beuli sareng akurasi perdagangan ku analisa bagan aset crypto

Ngaran aset Cryptographic:Ripple(XRP) Bagan waktu nyata |Ripple(XRP) Analisis grafik / ngabandingkeun data bagan | Ayeuna / baheulaRipple(XRP)harga

Ayeuna Ripple(XRP) Mangrupikeun bagan real-time Ripple(XRP) Tingali kana analisis diagram / ngabandingkeun data baganRipple(XRP) Hayu urang diajar sareng diajar waktos jual beuli!

Ripple(XRP)Titik anu sigana naék, murag, atanapi tibalik(Garis dukungan)Hayu urang waspada! Ayeuna sareng kapengkerRipple(XRP) Bandingkeun harga,Ripple(XRP)Nyegah kaleungitan kasempetan sapertos tingkat kameunangan, kauntungan henteu direalisasikeun, potongan karugian, jst.Ripple(XRP)Diajar mésér sareng ngajual kaputusan investasi!

Mésér / Sell Ripple

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Mésér / Sell Ripple

Sadaya mata uang virtual, altcoin, jinis token|Nilai tukeur / Uang / Konversi|konvérter|Kalkulator dukungan tingkat mata uang / konci sadunya

Ripple/XRP Kalkulator Cryptocurrency | Itungan Nilai tukeur

Bitcoin(Bitcoin / BTC) Bursa Gancang Changelly / Tunai / Mésér / Dijual

RippleXRP Data kasimpulan analisis téhnis | Jual / Mésér Radar

Mésér / Sell Ripple

Mésér / Sell Ripple

Ngaran mata uang Cryptographic(Merk mata uang maya) Ripple / XRP Naon Ripple / XRP Anu mana?

Ripple / XRP Inpormasi lengkep

Ripple is the catchall name for the cryptocurrency platform, the transactional protocol for which is actually XRP, in the same fashion as Ethereum is the name for the platform that facilitates trades in Ether. Like other cryptocurrencies, Ripple is built atop the idea of a distributed ledger network which requires various parties to participate in validating transactions, rather than any singular centralized authority. That facilitates transactions all over the world, and transfer fees are far cheaper than the likes of bitcoin. Unlike other cryptocurrencies, XRP transfers are effectively immediate, requiring no typical confirmation time.Ripple was originally founded by a single company, Ripple Labs, and continues to be backed by it, rather than the larger network of developers that continue bitcoin’s development. It also doesn’t have a fluctuating amount of its currency in existence. Where bitcoin has a continually growing pool with an eventual maximum, and Ethereum theoretically has no limit, Ripple was created with all of its 100 billion XRP tokens right out of the gate. That number is maintained with no mining and most of the tokens are owned and held by Ripple Labs itself — around 60 billion at the latest count.Even at the recently reduced value of around half a dollar per XRP, that means Ripple Labs is currently sitting on around $20 billion worth of the cryptocurrency (note: Ripple’s price crashed hard recently, and may be worth far less than $60 billion by time you read this). It holds 55 billion XRP in an escrow account, which allows it to sell up to a billion per month if it so chooses in order to fund new projects and acquisitions. Selling such an amount would likely have a drastic effect on the cryptocurrency’s value, and isn’t something Ripple Labs plans to do anytime soon.In actuality, Ripple Labs is looking to leverage the technology behind XRP to allow for faster banking transactions around the world. While Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are built on the idea of separating financial transactions from the financial organizations of traditional currencies, Ripple is almost the opposite in every sense.XRP by Ripple price can be found on this page alongside the market capitalization and additional stats.

Sejarah data kapungkur


Exchange / Exchange | Pasangan Pasar

# ExchangePairhargaVolume (24h)UpdatedTrust Score

Cryptocurrency / mata uang virtual | Harga ayeuna / nilai pasar / volume / transaksi jumlahna réngking Real-time – TOP100

#namihargaparobahan 24H parobahan 7D parobahan 30D Kapital PasarVolume 24HSuplai SayogiGrafik Harga (7D)

Mésér / Sell Ripple

Harga mata uang virtual / cryptocurrency | Pangluhurna / Soaring / Harga Rising Rate Real-time Ranking-TOP50

namihargaparobahan 24H

Mésér / Sell Ripple

Cryptocurrency / cryptocurrency harga ayeuna | Laju turunna / turun / turun harga Real-time ranking-TOP50

namihargaparobahan 24H

Mésér / Sell Ripple

Twitter News Eupan

Kodeu Twitter Twitter Feed Shortcode

Kirimkeun ulasan

XRP(XRP) harga ayeuna $2.24|暗号通貨 XRP(XRP) とは?特徴・今後の将来性は? 時価総額|チャート分析・相場状況|購入・売買方法|取引所・販売所・両替所|仮想通貨 XRP(XRP) 総合情報まとめ

Dipasihkeun ku : Mata Artos Global Global / Mata Artos Cryptographic / Mata Artos Digital Internét Anyar Portal Global | Gvmg – Grup Pamasaran Viral Global



#namiVolume (24H)CountryEstablishedHalaman Wéb Resmi




Global Data Shortcode

  • Kapital Pasar: $3,473.82 B
  • 24h Vol: $209.72 B
  • Dominasi BTC: 55.21%
  • Kapital Pasar: £0
  • 24h Vol: £0
  • Dominasi BTC: 55.21%
(For Specific Currency!)

  • Kapital Pasar: $3,473,821,506,105.87
  • 24h Vol: $209,718,162,058.25
  • Dominasi BTC: 55.21%
(tanpa Juta / milyar)nilai formatna


Coin Symbol Shortcode XRP

Dynamic Title Shortcode

XRP(XRP) harga ayeuna $2.24|暗号通貨 XRP(XRP) とは?特徴・今後の将来性は? 時価総額|チャート分析・相場状況|購入・売買方法|取引所・販売所・両替所|仮想通貨 XRP(XRP) 総合情報まとめ


Extra Data Shortcode

(Display coin social links and official website url.)

Calculator Shortcode

Custom Description Shortcode

Ripple is the catchall name for the cryptocurrency platform, the transactional protocol for which is actually XRP, in the same fashion as Ethereum is the name for the platform that facilitates trades in Ether. Like other cryptocurrencies, Ripple is built atop the idea of a distributed ledger network which requires various parties to participate in validating transactions, rather than any singular centralized authority. That facilitates transactions all over the world, and transfer fees are far cheaper than the likes of bitcoin. Unlike other cryptocurrencies, XRP transfers are effectively immediate, requiring no typical confirmation time.Ripple was originally founded by a single company, Ripple Labs, and continues to be backed by it, rather than the larger network of developers that continue bitcoin’s development. It also doesn’t have a fluctuating amount of its currency in existence. Where bitcoin has a continually growing pool with an eventual maximum, and Ethereum theoretically has no limit, Ripple was created with all of its 100 billion XRP tokens right out of the gate. That number is maintained with no mining and most of the tokens are owned and held by Ripple Labs itself — around 60 billion at the latest count.Even at the recently reduced value of around half a dollar per XRP, that means Ripple Labs is currently sitting on around $20 billion worth of the cryptocurrency (note: Ripple’s price crashed hard recently, and may be worth far less than $60 billion by time you read this). It holds 55 billion XRP in an escrow account, which allows it to sell up to a billion per month if it so chooses in order to fund new projects and acquisitions. Selling such an amount would likely have a drastic effect on the cryptocurrency’s value, and isn’t something Ripple Labs plans to do anytime soon.In actuality, Ripple Labs is looking to leverage the technology behind XRP to allow for faster banking transactions around the world. While Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are built on the idea of separating financial transactions from the financial organizations of traditional currencies, Ripple is almost the opposite in every sense.XRP by Ripple price can be found on this page alongside the market capitalization and additional stats.
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> Situs kurasi Cryptocurrency

Situs kurasi Cryptocurrency

"Mata Uang Virtual Dunya / Mata Artos Cryptographic / Mata Artos Digital Internét Anyar Portal Global"

Mata virtual maya anu cocog sacara global, cryptocurrency, blockchain, média sosial situs portal ringkesan inpormasi média sosial

Situs berita lengkep pikeun aset crypto, basis transmisi inpormasi dunya(Situs global)Merek mata uang maya utama, nami, jinis, ciri, jajaran, tingkat parobihan, likuiditas, harga, metode pameseran, nilai pasar, grafik real-time, pasokan, jilid volume, sareng sajabana Teknologi Blockchain / téknologi, dagang / mésér / jual mata uang digital Warta anu berguna, kolom, topik, tulisan, ngabagi inpormasi sareng sosialisasi viral ka jalma-jalma di panjuru dunya salaku situs berita pikeun sadaya kriptocurrency

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Aset mata uang / crypto maya Situs portal global internasional
Gvmg - Grup Pamasaran Viral Global