XRP。(XRP。) 當前價格 $2.23|暗号通貨 XRP(XRP。) とは?特徴・今後の将来性は? 時価総額|チャート分析・相場状況|購入・売買方法|取引所・販売所・両替所|仮想通貨 XRP(XRP。) 総合情報まとめ


XRP。(XRP。) 當前價格 $2.23|暗号通貨 XRP(XRP。) とは?特徴・今後の将来性は? 時価総額|チャート分析・相場状況|購入・売買方法|取引所・販売所・両替所|仮想通貨 XRP(XRP。) 総合情報まとめ

Posted by : GVMG。 – Global Viral Marketing Group。
上次更新日期 : 22/12/2024 Utc (協調通用時間)

Ripple。(XRP。)の現在価格と時価総額 Ripple。(XRP。)速報とニュースのお知らせ

Ripple。(XRP。) 速報・ニュース

Ripple。(XRP。) 総合情報をリアルタイム配信中
2024年12月22日 (Utc:世界時間嘅協議 – 22/12/2024)


Ripple。(XRP。) 速報・ニュースのお知らせです

加密貨幣 XRP。(XRP。)當前價格為$2.23

當前XRP。(XRP。) 価格価値$2.23を、過去24時間(前日)の価格推移で比較すると、前日比-1.73% downの流動性、取引実績となりました

また、XRP。(XRP。)當前金額:$2.23に対し、XRP。(XRP。) 市值(硬幣市場上限)$127.88 B。成交量(交易量/交易量)記錄

現在、XRP。(XRP。) 硬幣市場上限(XRP/XRPの時価総額)$127.88 B。

XRP。(XRP。)がこの24時間で取引された総額(交易量/交易量/交易量)和XRP。(XRP。)の価格変動率(與隔夜嘅比較)を数値化すると、XRP。(XRP。)-1.73% downのボラティリティを示している事になります


リアルタイム配信中のXRP。(XRP。)ニュース・総合情報を参考に XRP。(XRP。) 現在価値 $2.23からの今後の展望、価格推移、XRP。(XRP。)の変動具合、将来性に注目し、XRP。(XRP。)の売買、XRP。(XRP。)トレード、エントリータイミングの指標として活用していきましょう

Buy / Sell Ripple

  • ripple
    XRP。 (XRP。)
  • Live Price
  • 24h %
  • 市值。
    $127.88 B。
  • 體積。
    $13.27 B。
  • Available Supply。
    57.25 B。 XRP。
  • Rank

參考數據:加密貨幣 Ripple。(XRP。) / Coinmarketcap.com (硬幣市場上限)

Buy / Sell Ripple




加密貨幣(虛擬貨幣) 舉薦股票的當前價錢係乜嘢? 實時價錢同價值係乜嘢? 未來嘅未來係乜嘢?
加密貨幣(虛擬貨幣) 舉薦股票的當前價錢係乜嘢? 實時價錢同價值係乜嘢? 未來嘅未來係乜嘢?



加密貨幣 : Ripple。(XRP。)果D系乜嘢? 加密貨幣 : Ripple。の特徴は? 暗号資産 Ripple。(XRP。)嘅未來同價值係乜嘢? 數字貨幣 Ripple。(XRP。)價錢、市值、價格變化和交易量(交易量)咩話?


加密貨幣股票名稱 : Ripple。

加密貨幣股票符號 : XRP。






隱性:Ripple。(XRP。)価格予想など Ripple。(XRP。) 發佈詳細信息數據!

加密資產股票:Ripple。(XRP。) 當前、歷史數據、圖表分析等。 Ripple。(XRP。)交易預測,交易分析 Ripple。(XRP。)加密貨幣,如交易所、銷售辦事處和貨幣兌換處。 Ripple。(XRP。) 交易信息都可以檢查列表! 此外,作為有用嘅信息,為礦工 Ripple。(XRP。)以及一般加密貨幣嘅挖掘信息,如!

加密貨幣名稱:Ripple。(XRP。)|Ripple。(XRP。) 當前|Ripple。(XRP。) 實時價格|Ripple。(XRP。) 24時間價格|Ripple。(XRP。) 市值|Ripple。(XRP。) 供應和交易量(交易量)|Ripple。(XRP。) 排名評級

加密貨幣股票名稱 : Ripple。
加密貨幣股票符號 : XRP。

加密貨幣名稱 : Ripple。(XRP。) |Ripple。(XRP。)嘅當前|Ripple。(XRP。)實時價格|Ripple。(XRP。)24小时價錢|Ripple。(XRP。)市值|Ripple。(XRP。)供應和交易量(交易量)|Ripple。(XRP。)排名評級|Ripple。(XRP。)分析嘅受歡迎程度同趨勢趨勢!

加密貨幣 Ripple。(XRP。)發佈實時市值!

2024年12月22日 Utc (世界時間嘅協議) 當前加密資產 Ripple。(XRP。) 將處於實時狀態!

Buy / Sell Ripple

  • ripple
    XRP。 (XRP。)
  • Live Price
  • 24h %
  • 市值。
    $127.88 B。
  • 體積。
    $13.27 B。
  • Available Supply。
    57.25 B。 XRP。
  • Rank

參考數據:加密貨幣 Ripple。(XRP。) / Coinmarketcap.com (硬幣市場上限)

Buy / Sell Ripple

加密貨幣:Ripple。(XRP。) 突發新聞|Ripple。(XRP。) 市場信息|Ripple。(XRP。)未來、未來同前景


加密資產:Ripple。(XRP。) 目前嘅價錢係乜嘢? |Ripple。(XRP。) 硬幣市場卡普(市值)咩話? |前一日Ripple。(XRP。)價格變化比較|Ripple。(XRP。) 現狀、市場狀況、市場|Ripple。(XRP。)價錢預測和市場預測的未來和未來

加密貨幣 XRP。(XRP。)當前價格為$2.23

當前XRP。(XRP。) 価格価値$2.23を、過去24時間(前日)の価格推移で比較すると、前日比-1.73% downの流動性、取引実績となりました

また、XRP。(XRP。)當前金額:$2.23に対し、XRP。(XRP。) 市值(硬幣市場上限)$127.88 B。成交量(交易量/交易量)記錄

現在、XRP。(XRP。) 硬幣市場上限(XRP/XRPの時価総額)$127.88 B。

XRP。(XRP。)がこの24時間で取引された総額(交易量/交易量/交易量)和XRP。(XRP。)の価格変動率(與隔夜嘅比較)を数値化すると、XRP。(XRP。)-1.73% downのボラティリティを示している事になります


リアルタイム配信中のXRP。(XRP。)ニュース・総合情報を参考に XRP。(XRP。) 現在価値 $2.23からの今後の展望、価格推移、XRP。(XRP。)の変動具合、将来性に注目し、XRP。(XRP。)の売買、XRP。(XRP。)トレード、エントリータイミングの指標として活用していきましょう

數字貨幣:Ripple。(XRP。)|現狀和價格變化市場|Ripple。(XRP。) 硬幣市場上限(市值)卷(成交量。)多明斯呢?Ripple。(XRP。) 價格會上漲嗎?Ripple。(XRP。) 價格會下降嗎?

Ripple。(XRP。) 硬幣市場上限(市值)是 Ripple。(XRP。) 成為價格飆升、下跌、賣出同買入嘅重要指標信號。Ripple。(XRP。)幫助您了解價格預測和預測提示!




數字貨幣 : Ripple。(XRP。) 新聞資訊

Ripple。(XRP。) 價格在上升嗎? 然而,Ripple。(XRP。) 價格會上漲嗎?

Ripple。(XRP。) 價格下降了嗎? 此外,Ripple。(XRP。) 價格會下降嗎?

Ripple。(XRP。) 當前狀態和價格趨勢當前Ripple。(XRP。) 提供市場情況嘅實時公告!

數字貨幣:Ripple。(XRP。)|現狀和價格變化市場|Ripple。(XRP。) 硬幣市場上限(市值)卷(成交量。)多明斯呢?Ripple。(XRP。) 價格會上漲嗎?Ripple。(XRP。) 價格會下降嗎?

數字貨幣 : Ripple。(XRP。)

  • Market Cap: $3,480,862,023,120.81
  • 24h Vol: $210,065,315,168.65
  • BTC Dominance: 55.26%


Ripple。(XRP。) 硬幣市場上限(市值)/ボリューム(成交量。)/多明斯


  • 市值。: $3,480.86 B。
  • 24h卷: $210.07 B。
  • BTC主導地位: 55.26%


Ripple。(XRP。) 硬幣市場上限(市值)/ボリューム(成交量。)/多明斯


  • 市值。: £0
  • 24h卷: £0
  • BTC主導地位: 55.26%


Ripple。(XRP。) 硬幣市場上限(市值)/ボリューム(成交量。)/多明斯


  • 市值。: €0
  • 24h卷: €0
  • BTC主導地位: 55.26%


Ripple。(XRP。) 硬幣市場上限(市值)/ボリューム(成交量。)/多明斯


  • 市值。: 弗尔 0
  • 24h卷: 弗尔 0
  • BTC主導地位: 55.26%



Ripple。(XRP。) 硬幣市場上限(市值)/ボリューム(成交量。)/多明斯

  • 市值。: ¥0
  • 24h卷: ¥0
  • BTC主導地位: 55.26%



Ripple。(XRP。) 硬幣市場上限(市值)/ボリューム(成交量。)/多明斯

  • 市值。: ¥0
  • 24h卷: ¥0
  • BTC主導地位: 55.26%

加密資產名稱:Ripple。(XRP。) 實時圖表|Ripple。(XRP。) 圖表分析同比較數據|Ripple。(XRP。)價格比較

當前Ripple。(XRP。) 圖表數據

加密資產名稱:Ripple。(XRP。) 實時圖表。!

Ripple。(XRP。) 檢查圖表分析和圖表比較數據!


Ripple。(XRP。) 圖表數據可以檢查一日、一周、一個月、三個月或一年!


加密資產名稱:Ripple。(XRP。) 實時圖表|Ripple。(XRP。) 圖表分析和圖表比較數據|當前和過去Ripple。(XRP。)價格.

當前 Ripple。(XRP。) 實時圖表。 Ripple。(XRP。) 參考圖表分析和圖表比較數據Ripple。(XRP。) 研究和研究交易嘅買入同賣出時間!

Ripple。(XRP。)上升或下降,易逆轉嘅啲(支持線)讓我們意識到! 而家和過去Ripple。(XRP。) 比較價格,Ripple。(XRP。)防止機會損失,如勝率、利潤和損失,並獲得適當的分析和決策能力。Ripple。(XRP。)売買の投資判斷を身につけよう!

Buy / Sell Ripple

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Buy / Sell Ripple


Ripple。/XRP。 暗 號 通 貨 電 卓 | 両 替 レー ト ミ

比特幣(比特幣/btc) Changelly快速貨幣兌換、兌換、購買和出售

Ripple。XRP。 技術分析摘要數據 | 賣出和購買雷達

Buy / Sell Ripple

Buy / Sell Ripple

加密貨幣名稱(加密貨幣股票) Ripple。 / XRP。 果D系乜嘢? Ripple。 / XRP。 果D系乜嘢?

Ripple。 / XRP。 更多信息

Ripple is the catchall name for the cryptocurrency platform, the transactional protocol for which is actually XRP, in the same fashion as Ethereum is the name for the platform that facilitates trades in Ether. Like other cryptocurrencies, Ripple is built atop the idea of a distributed ledger network which requires various parties to participate in validating transactions, rather than any singular centralized authority. That facilitates transactions all over the world, and transfer fees are far cheaper than the likes of bitcoin. Unlike other cryptocurrencies, XRP transfers are effectively immediate, requiring no typical confirmation time.Ripple was originally founded by a single company, Ripple Labs, and continues to be backed by it, rather than the larger network of developers that continue bitcoin’s development. It also doesn’t have a fluctuating amount of its currency in existence. Where bitcoin has a continually growing pool with an eventual maximum, and Ethereum theoretically has no limit, Ripple was created with all of its 100 billion XRP tokens right out of the gate. That number is maintained with no mining and most of the tokens are owned and held by Ripple Labs itself — around 60 billion at the latest count.Even at the recently reduced value of around half a dollar per XRP, that means Ripple Labs is currently sitting on around $20 billion worth of the cryptocurrency (note: Ripple’s price crashed hard recently, and may be worth far less than $60 billion by time you read this). It holds 55 billion XRP in an escrow account, which allows it to sell up to a billion per month if it so chooses in order to fund new projects and acquisitions. Selling such an amount would likely have a drastic effect on the cryptocurrency’s value, and isn’t something Ripple Labs plans to do anytime soon.In actuality, Ripple Labs is looking to leverage the technology behind XRP to allow for faster banking transactions around the world. While Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are built on the idea of separating financial transactions from the financial organizations of traditional currencies, Ripple is almost the opposite in every sense.XRP by Ripple price can be found on this page alongside the market capitalization and additional stats.




# ExchangePair價格.體積。 (24h)UpdatedTrust Score

加密貨幣和加密貨幣 | 當前價格、市值、交易量、交易量實時排名 – TOP100。

#名稱價格.變化。 24H。 變化。 7D。 變化。 30D。 市值。體積。 24H。Available Supply。價格圖。 (7D。)

Buy / Sell Ripple

加密貨幣和加密貨幣價格 | 最高漲價、最高漲價實時排行榜- TOP50

名稱價格.變化。 24H。

Buy / Sell Ripple

加密貨幣和加密貨幣當前價格 | 最低漲跌跌實時排名-TOP50

名稱價格.變化。 24H。

Buy / Sell Ripple

Twitter News Feed

Twitter News Feed Shortcode


XRP。(XRP。) 當前價格 $2.23|暗号通貨 XRP(XRP。) とは?特徴・今後の将来性は? 時価総額|チャート分析・相場状況|購入・売買方法|取引所・販売所・両替所|仮想通貨 XRP(XRP。) 総合情報まとめ

Presents by : 全球加密貨幣、加密貨幣和新國際數字貨幣全球門戶網站。 | GVMG。 – Global Viral Marketing Group。



#名稱體積。 (24H。)CountryEstablished官方網站




Global Data Shortcode

  • 市值。: $3,480.86 B。
  • 24h卷: $210.07 B。
  • BTC主導地位: 55.26%
  • 市值。: £0
  • 24h卷: £0
  • BTC主導地位: 55.26%
(For Specific Currency!)

  • 市值。: $3,480,862,023,120.81
  • 24h卷: $210,065,315,168.65
  • BTC主導地位: 55.26%


Coin Symbol Shortcode XRP。

Dynamic Title Shortcode

XRP。(XRP。) 當前價格 $2.23|暗号通貨 XRP(XRP。) とは?特徴・今後の将来性は? 時価総額|チャート分析・相場状況|購入・売買方法|取引所・販売所・両替所|仮想通貨 XRP(XRP。) 総合情報まとめ


Extra Data Shortcode

(Display coin social links and official website url.)

Calculator Shortcode

Custom Description Shortcode

Ripple is the catchall name for the cryptocurrency platform, the transactional protocol for which is actually XRP, in the same fashion as Ethereum is the name for the platform that facilitates trades in Ether. Like other cryptocurrencies, Ripple is built atop the idea of a distributed ledger network which requires various parties to participate in validating transactions, rather than any singular centralized authority. That facilitates transactions all over the world, and transfer fees are far cheaper than the likes of bitcoin. Unlike other cryptocurrencies, XRP transfers are effectively immediate, requiring no typical confirmation time.Ripple was originally founded by a single company, Ripple Labs, and continues to be backed by it, rather than the larger network of developers that continue bitcoin’s development. It also doesn’t have a fluctuating amount of its currency in existence. Where bitcoin has a continually growing pool with an eventual maximum, and Ethereum theoretically has no limit, Ripple was created with all of its 100 billion XRP tokens right out of the gate. That number is maintained with no mining and most of the tokens are owned and held by Ripple Labs itself — around 60 billion at the latest count.Even at the recently reduced value of around half a dollar per XRP, that means Ripple Labs is currently sitting on around $20 billion worth of the cryptocurrency (note: Ripple’s price crashed hard recently, and may be worth far less than $60 billion by time you read this). It holds 55 billion XRP in an escrow account, which allows it to sell up to a billion per month if it so chooses in order to fund new projects and acquisitions. Selling such an amount would likely have a drastic effect on the cryptocurrency’s value, and isn’t something Ripple Labs plans to do anytime soon.In actuality, Ripple Labs is looking to leverage the technology behind XRP to allow for faster banking transactions around the world. While Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are built on the idea of separating financial transactions from the financial organizations of traditional currencies, Ripple is almost the opposite in every sense.XRP by Ripple price can be found on this page alongside the market capitalization and additional stats.
(Show your custom content or content from api.)





加密資產綜合新聞網站,世界信息傳播基地(全球網站)主要加密貨幣品牌、名稱、類型、特徵、排名、變化率、流動性、價錢、購買方法、市值、實時圖表、供應量、排名等區塊鏈技術、有助於交易和交易數字貨幣嘅新聞專欄、主題同文,作為所有加密新聞網站與世界各地嘅啲人共享信息, 病毒發送

GVMG。 - Global Viral Marketing Group。