Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) Hoo i teie nei $0.35|暗号通貨 Stellar(Xlm) とは?特徴・今後の将来性は? 時価総額|チャート分析・相場状況|購入・売買方法|取引所・販売所・両替所|仮想通貨 Stellar(Xlm) 総合情報まとめ

A hi'opo'a i te tabula hoho'a o te mau faufaa no te haamaitai i te taime no te hooraa mai e te hooraa e te ti'araa o te mau hooraa

Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) Hoo i teie nei $0.35|暗号通貨 Stellar(Xlm) とは?特徴・今後の将来性は? 時価総額|チャート分析・相場状況|購入・売買方法|取引所・販売所・両替所|仮想通貨 Stellar(Xlm) 総合情報まとめ

Piahia na : GVMG (numera) – Viral o te pupu tapihooraa
Taio mahana faananearaa hopea : 22/12/2024 Utc (Hora nui)

Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)の現在価格と時価総額 Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)速報とニュースのお知らせ

Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) 速報・ニュース

Cryptocurrency ofatiraa i te parau | te mau | no ananahi e no ananahi
Cryptocurrency ofatiraa i te parau | te mau | no ananahi e no ananahi
Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) 総合情報をリアルタイム配信中
2024年12月22日 (Utc:Te hora faaauraa i te ao nei – 22/12/2024)


Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) 速報・ニュースのお知らせです

Cryptocurrency Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)Te hoo i teie nei o$0.35Oia ïa

I teie neiStellar (hohoa)(Xlm) 価格価値$0.35を、過去24時間(前日)の価格推移で比較すると、前日比-3.94% i raroの流動性、取引実績となりました

Oia'toaStellar (hohoa)(Xlm)Rahiraa o te:$0.35Taa ê noa'tu te reira i teStellar (hohoa)(Xlm) Matete papairaa rahi(Moni matete i)Aita e$10.73 BBuka a(Te tau'a ra te Buka/Buka)Tapa'opa'oraa

現在、Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) Moni matete i(Stellar/XLMの時価総額)Aita e$10.73 BOia ïa

Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)がこの24時間で取引された総額(Buka/Te mau Pŭpŭ)eStellar (hohoa)(Xlm)の価格変動率(Faaauraa i te mahana i ma'iri)を数値化すると、Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)Oia,-3.94% i raroのボラティリティを示している事になります

Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)のボラティリティはStellar (hohoa)(Xlm)の流動性とも大きく関係する要素です
Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)の流動性が低いとStellar (hohoa)(Xlm)のボラティリティは高くなりやすい傾向になります
対局してStellar (hohoa)(Xlm)の流動性が高くなればStellar (hohoa)(Xlm)のボラティリティが低くなる傾向にあります

リアルタイム配信中のStellar (hohoa)(Xlm)ニュース・総合情報を参考に Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) 現在価値 $0.35からの今後の展望、価格推移、Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)の変動具合、将来性に注目し、Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)の売買、Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)トレード、エントリータイミングの指標として活用していきましょう

Hoo mai / Sell Stellar

  • stellar
    Stellar (hohoa) (Xlm)
  • Moni ora
  • 24H %
  • Matete Caps
    $10.73 B
  • Buka (hohoa)
    $521.17 M
  • E roaa te haaputuraa
    30.23 B Xlm
  • Tiaraa

Faahororaa itepiri:Cryptocurrency Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) / (Moni matete i)

Hoo mai / Sell Stellar

Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)



Cryptocurrency(Te moni) Eaha te hoo o te turai o te tapao? Eaha te hoo e aore ra te faufaa o te taime? Eaha te ananahi o te ananahi?
Cryptocurrency(Te moni) Eaha te hoo o te turai o te tapao? Eaha te hoo e aore ra te faufaa o te taime? Eaha te ananahi o te ananahi?



Cryptocurrency : Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)Eaha te reira? Cryptocurrency : Stellar (hohoa)の特徴は? 暗号資産 Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)Eaha te ananahi e te faufaa o te reira? Roro uira moni Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)hoo, matete papairaa rahi, hoo mau peu, e buka.(Trading buka)Tei hea te reira?


Cryptocurrency ioa ioa : Stellar (hohoa)

Tapao Cryptocurrency : Xlm


Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)について

Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)の特徴をまとめてみました


Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)Eaha te reira?
Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)って何?
Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)の特徴は?
Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)Eaha te hoo i teie nei?
Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)hoo, matete papairaa rahi, hoo mau peu, haaputuraa e buka.(Trading buka)Tei hea te reira?
Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)の将来性・価値は?
Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)Eaha te rahi o te hoo i roto i te ananahi e i te mau tau i muri nei?
Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)を売買できる取引所は?
Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)を両替できる交換所は?

Crypto moni:Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)価格予想など Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) Te nenei nei tatou i te putuite no te!

Crypto te mau tapao taoa:Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) i teie nei, te mau aamu itepiri, te tabula tuatapaparaa, e te tahi atu. Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)Trading Forecasts, Trading tuatapaparaa Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)aparauraa to oe, te mau toroa Sales, te moni aparauraa to oe, e te tahi atu cryptocurrencies o te tauturu ia outou ia hoo e ia hoo Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) E nehenehe atoa ta outou e hio i te tapura no te mau haamaramaramaraa Trading i roto i te tabula! Taa e noatu i te reira, ei haamaramaramaraa faufaa no te minors Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)E faataa atoa tatou i te mau haamaramaramaraa mining no te cryptocurrencies i te rahi, mai!

Ioa Cryptocurrency:Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)|Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) Hoo i teie nei|Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) A ora i te hoe parau |Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) 24Tauiraa hoo o te taime|Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) Matete te papairaa |Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) Haaputuraa e buka(Trading buka)|Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) Tiaraa ratings

Cryptocurrency ioa ioa : Stellar (hohoa)
Tapao Cryptocurrency : Xlm

Ioa Cryptocurrency : Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) |Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)Hoo i teie |Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)A ora i te hoe parau |Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)e 24 hora hoo |Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)Matete |Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)Haaputuraa e te Buka a(Trading buka)|Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)Tiaraa ratings|Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)Analyze ang roo at mau peu mau peu ng!

Cryptocurrency Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)ua nenei te mau hora matete no te!

2024年12月22日 Utc (Te hora faaauraa i te ao nei) Crypto i teie mau Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) E vai i roto i te hoe oraraa ora!

Hoo mai / Sell Stellar

  • stellar
    Stellar (hohoa) (Xlm)
  • Moni ora
  • 24H %
  • Matete Caps
    $10.73 B
  • Buka (hohoa)
    $521.17 M
  • E roaa te haaputuraa
    30.23 B Xlm
  • Tiaraa

Faahororaa itepiri:Cryptocurrency Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) / (Moni matete i)

Hoo mai / Sell Stellar

Cryptocurrency:Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) Ofatiraa i te parau api|Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) Matete haamaramaramaraa|Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)Ananahi, ananahi e hioraa

Cryptocurrency:Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)Te ofatiraa i te parau api hopea |Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)Te matete o te haamaramaramaraa hopea roa |Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)te ananahi e te mau opuaraa, te forecasts hoo no ananahi, e te tahi atu.!

Crypto mau:Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) Eaha te hoo i teie nei? |Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) Moni matete i(Matete papairaa rahi)Tei hea te reira? | te mahana hou teStellar (hohoa)(Xlm)Faaauraa tauiraa hoo|Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) Te mau huru o teie nei, te mau huru matete, e matete mau peu|Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)Te ananahi e te hoo Forecasts e te matete Forecasts

Cryptocurrency Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)Te hoo i teie nei o$0.35Oia ïa

I teie neiStellar (hohoa)(Xlm) 価格価値$0.35を、過去24時間(前日)の価格推移で比較すると、前日比-3.94% i raroの流動性、取引実績となりました

Oia'toaStellar (hohoa)(Xlm)Rahiraa o te:$0.35Taa ê noa'tu te reira i teStellar (hohoa)(Xlm) Matete papairaa rahi(Moni matete i)Aita e$10.73 BBuka a(Te tau'a ra te Buka/Buka)Tapa'opa'oraa

現在、Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) Moni matete i(Stellar/XLMの時価総額)Aita e$10.73 BOia ïa

Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)がこの24時間で取引された総額(Buka/Te mau Pŭpŭ)eStellar (hohoa)(Xlm)の価格変動率(Faaauraa i te mahana i ma'iri)を数値化すると、Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)Oia,-3.94% i raroのボラティリティを示している事になります

Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)のボラティリティはStellar (hohoa)(Xlm)の流動性とも大きく関係する要素です
Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)の流動性が低いとStellar (hohoa)(Xlm)のボラティリティは高くなりやすい傾向になります
対局してStellar (hohoa)(Xlm)の流動性が高くなればStellar (hohoa)(Xlm)のボラティリティが低くなる傾向にあります

リアルタイム配信中のStellar (hohoa)(Xlm)ニュース・総合情報を参考に Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) 現在価値 $0.35からの今後の展望、価格推移、Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)の変動具合、将来性に注目し、Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)の売買、Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)トレード、エントリータイミングの指標として活用していきましょう

Roro uira moni:Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)| ohipa i teie nei e te hoo mau peu matete i nia |Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) Moni matete i(Matete papairaa rahi)Te mau buka i roto i(Buka)E aore ra haaviraa?Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) E hoo anei te moni i te haere?Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) E hoo anei te moni i raro?

Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) Moni matete i(Matete papairaa rahi)Aita e Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) faaiteraa te faufaa rahi tapao no te mau moni teitei ae, te declines, te hoo i e te hoo, no reiraStellar (hohoa)(Xlm)A faaohipa i te reira no te hoo i te mau aratairaa forecasting e te forecast manao!

Ano ang moni matete i?

Cryptocurrency stocks mai Altcoin e matete papairaa rahi!
E mea pinepine te parau matete i i te faaohipahia no te papairaa i matete o te taata stocks.、I te tahi mau taime, ua parauhia te matete o te taatoaraa o te matete i te hoe matete i.。

Te numera o te faaite hau × tei opuahia na roto i te faaiteraa i te hoo。

Roro uira moni : Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) Parau api

Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) Ua faatiahia anei te hoo? Aita raStellar (hohoa)(Xlm) E haere anei te hoo?

Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) Ua ua faatopahia anei te hoo? AtoaStellar (hohoa)(Xlm) E haere anei te hoo?

Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) Te mau huru e te hoo mau peu i teie neiStellar (hohoa)(Xlm) E horoa mai tatou i te haamaramaramaraa no nia i te mau taime matete!

Roro uira moni:Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)| ohipa i teie nei e te hoo mau peu matete i nia |Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) Moni matete i(Matete papairaa rahi)Te mau buka i roto i(Buka)E aore ra haaviraa?Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) E hoo anei te moni i te haere?Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) E hoo anei te moni i raro?

Roro uira moni : Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)
Moni matete i(Matete papairaa rahi)Te mau buka i roto i(Buka)E aore ra haaviraa?

  • Market Cap: $3,483,201,060,126.77
  • 24h Vol: $210,102,350,086.98
  • BTC Dominance: 55.19%


Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) Moni matete i(Matete papairaa rahi)/ボリューム(Buka)/Haaviraa

Usd(Marite tara marite)

  • Matete Caps: $3,483.20 B
  • 24h buka: $210.10 B
  • BTC haaviraa: 55.19%


Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) Moni matete i(Matete papairaa rahi)/ボリューム(Buka)/Haaviraa

Gbp(Tupai Peretane)

  • Matete Caps: £0
  • 24h buka: £0
  • BTC haaviraa: 55.19%


Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) Moni matete i(Matete papairaa rahi)/ボリューム(Buka)/Haaviraa


  • Matete Caps: €0
  • 24h buka: €0
  • BTC haaviraa: 55.19%


Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) Moni matete i(Matete papairaa rahi)/ボリューム(Buka)/Haaviraa

Chf(Te Franc)

  • Matete Caps: TE mau rave'a no te ohipa 0
  • 24h buka: TE mau rave'a no te ohipa 0
  • BTC haaviraa: 55.19%


JPY (Tapone)(Yen Tapone)

Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) Moni matete i(Matete papairaa rahi)/ボリューム(Buka)/Haaviraa

  • Matete Caps: ¥0
  • 24h buka: ¥0
  • BTC haaviraa: 55.19%


Cny(Taina Renminbi)

Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) Moni matete i(Matete papairaa rahi)/ボリューム(Buka)/Haaviraa

  • Matete Caps: ¥0
  • 24h buka: ¥0
  • BTC haaviraa: 55.19%

Crypto taoa ioa:Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) Ua riro te aamu o te |Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) Tabula tuatapaparaa e te faaauraa itepiri|Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)Faaauraa hoo

I teie neiStellar (hohoa)(Xlm) Tabula itepiri

Crypto taoa ioa:Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) E tabula mau te reira!

Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) A hio i te tabula tuatapaparaa e te tabula faaauraa itepiri!

I teie nei e i mutaa ihoraStellar (hohoa)(Xlm)A faaau i te moni hoo no te haamaitai i te hooraa mai e te hooraa i te taime e te hooraa i te tanoraa o te moni!

Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) E tapa'ohia te tabula haamaramaramaraa i roto i te 1 mahana, 1 hepetoma, 1 ava'e, 3 ava'e, 1 matahiti!

A hi'opo'a i te tabula hoho'a o te mau faufaa no te haamaitai i te taime no te hooraa mai e te hooraa e te ti'araa o te mau hooraa
A hi'opo'a i te tabula hoho'a o te mau faufaa no te haamaitai i te taime no te hooraa mai e te hooraa e te ti'araa o te mau hooraa

Crypto taoa ioa:Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) Ua riro te aamu o te |Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) Tāu'atira'a pāpa'ira'a 'e te tāpa'opa'ora'a i te 'ā'au fa'ati'a parau|Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)Hoo

I teie nei Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) E tabula mau te reira Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) Faahororaa i te tapura hi'opo'araa e te faaauraa i te tabulaStellar (hohoa)(Xlm) A tuatapapa e a tuatapapa eaha te taime no te hoo mai e no te hoo atu i te mau tapihooraa!

Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm)te mau tapa'o e ti'a i ni'a, e hi'a, e aore râ, e tua(Reni tauturu)Ia ara i te! Teie mahana e to mutaa ihoraStellar (hohoa)(Xlm) Faaau i te moni e teStellar (hohoa)(Xlm)の勝率や含み益、損切などの機会損失を防ぎ、分析力、決断力を身につけ適切なStellar (hohoa)(Xlm)A haapii i te rave i te mau faaotiraa no te faahoturaa faufaa no te hoo mai e no te hoo atu!

Hoo mai / Sell Stellar

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Hoo mai / Sell Stellar

Na Cryptocurrencies, Altcoins e ivakatakilakila te mau huru|両替・換金・換算レート|Feia faafariu|Te patururaa i te pae o te moni e te faito o te calculator

Stellar (hohoa)/Xlm 暗号通貨電卓|両替レート計算

Bitcoin(Haapa haapa'o i te Mau Parau Tumu o te Ao nei) Changelly vitiviti, moni, hoo, hoo

Stellar (hohoa)Xlm Tâtâîraa i te pae no te faatereraa i te matini | Hoo e hoo mai i te meumeu

Hoo mai / Sell Stellar

Hoo mai / Sell Stellar

Ioa Cryptocurrency(Te Mau Ta'ie Ma'i) Stellar (hohoa) / Xlm Eaha te reira? Stellar (hohoa) / Xlm Eaha ïa ?

Stellar (hohoa) / Xlm Haapii rahi atu â

The Stellar network is an open source, distributed, and community owned network used to facilitate cross-asset transfers of value. Stellar aims to help facilitate cross-asset transfer of value at a fraction of a penny while aiming to be an open financial system that gives people of all income levels access to low-cost financial services. Stellar can handle exchanges between fiat-based currencies and between cryptocurrencies., the organization that supports Stellar, is centralized like XRP and meant to handle cross platform transactions and micro transactions like XRP. However, unlike Ripple, is non-profit and their platform itself is open source and decentralized.Stellar was founded by Jed McCaleb in 2014. Jed McCaleb is also the founder of Mt. Gox and co-founder of Ripple, launched the network system Stellar with former lawyer Joyce Kim. Stellar is also a payment technology that aims to connect financial institutions and drastically reduce the cost and time required for cross-border transfers. In fact, both payment networks used the same protocol initially.Distributed ExchangeThrough the use of its intermediary currency Lumens (Xlm), a user can send any currency that they own to anyone else in a different currency.For instance, if Joe wanted to send USD to Mary using her EUR, an offer is submitted to the distributed exchange selling USD for EUR. This submitted offer forms is known as an order book. The network will use the order book to find the best exchange rate for the transaction in-order to minimize the fee paid by a user.This multi-currency transaction is possible because of "Anchors". Anchors are trusted entities that hold people’s deposits and can issue credit. In essence, Anchors serves as the bridge between different currencies and the Stellar network.Lumens (Xlm)Lumens are the native asset (digital currency) that exist on the Stellar network that helps to facilitate multi-currency transactions and prevent spams. For multi-currency transactions, XLM is the digital intermediary that allows for such a transaction to occur at a low cost.In-order to prevent DoS attacks (aka spams) that would inevitably occur on the Stellar network, a small fee of 0.00001 XLM is associated with every transaction that occurs on the network. This fee is small enough so it does not significantly affect the cost of transaction, but large enough so it dissuades bad actors from spamming the network.Prior to Protocol 12, Stellar had a built-in inflation mechanism conceived to allow account holders to collectively direct inflation-generated lumens toward projects built on Stellar.As the network evolved and grew, it became increasingly clear that inflation wasn’t working as intended — account holders either didn’t set their inflation destination or joined inflation pools to claim the inflation themselves, and the operational costs associated with inflation payments continued to rise — and so a protocol change to disable inflation was proposed, implemented, voted on by validators, and ultimately adopted as part of a network upgrade.The inflation operation is now deprecated.

Aamu aamu

Tai'o mahanaHoo (video)Buka (hohoa)Te mau parau tapo'i no te matete

Faaôraa e a taui i te mau apiti i roto i te makete |

# ExchangeE raveHoo (video)Buka (hohoa) (24H)FaananearaaTrust Score

Cryptocurrencies e te Cryptocurrencies | Hoo i teie nei, matete papairaa, buka e Trading buka ranking – Ni'a 1000

#IoaHoo (video)Mau tauiraa (numera) 24H Mau tauiraa (numera) 7PH Mau tauiraa (numera) 30PH Matete CapsBuka (hohoa) 24HE roaa te haaputuraaHoo hohoa (7PH)

Hoo mai / Sell Stellar

Cryptocurrency e Cryptocurrency moni | Te moni hoo rahi roa a'e, te moni hoo, te maraaraa o te moni hoo

IoaHoo (video)Mau tauiraa (numera) 24H

Hoo mai / Sell Stellar

Cryptocurrencies e Cryptocurrencies i teie mau moni | Te topa-faahou-raa, te toparaa e te toparaa o te hoo

IoaHoo (video)Mau tauiraa (numera) 24H

Hoo mai / Sell Stellar

Twitter te parau api ia faaamu

Twitter News Feed Shortcode

Hapono i te hi'opo'araa

Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) Hoo i teie nei $0.35|暗号通貨 Stellar(Xlm) とは?特徴・今後の将来性は? 時価総額|チャート分析・相場状況|購入・売買方法|取引所・販売所・両替所|仮想通貨 Stellar(Xlm) 総合情報まとめ

Mau vauvauraa na : Cryptocurrencies na nia i te Cryptocurrencies e te ao api roro uira Currencies i te tahua itenati Leader | GVMG (numera) – Viral o te pupu tapihooraa



#IoaBuka (hohoa) (24H)FenuaEstablishedTahua Itenati mana




Global Data Shortcode

  • Matete Caps: $3,483.20 B
  • 24h buka: $210.10 B
  • BTC haaviraa: 55.19%
  • Matete Caps: £0
  • 24h buka: £0
  • BTC haaviraa: 55.19%
(For Specific Currency!)

  • Matete Caps: $3,483,201,060,126.77
  • 24h buka: $210,102,350,086.98
  • BTC haaviraa: 55.19%
(ma te mirioni/miria)faatanohia mau faufaa

Stellar (hohoa)

Coin Symbol Shortcode Xlm

Dynamic Title Shortcode

Stellar (hohoa)(Xlm) Hoo i teie nei $0.35|暗号通貨 Stellar(Xlm) とは?特徴・今後の将来性は? 時価総額|チャート分析・相場状況|購入・売買方法|取引所・販売所・両替所|仮想通貨 Stellar(Xlm) 総合情報まとめ


Extra Data Shortcode

(Display coin social links and official website url.)

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The Stellar network is an open source, distributed, and community owned network used to facilitate cross-asset transfers of value. Stellar aims to help facilitate cross-asset transfer of value at a fraction of a penny while aiming to be an open financial system that gives people of all income levels access to low-cost financial services. Stellar can handle exchanges between fiat-based currencies and between cryptocurrencies., the organization that supports Stellar, is centralized like XRP and meant to handle cross platform transactions and micro transactions like XRP. However, unlike Ripple, is non-profit and their platform itself is open source and decentralized.Stellar was founded by Jed McCaleb in 2014. Jed McCaleb is also the founder of Mt. Gox and co-founder of Ripple, launched the network system Stellar with former lawyer Joyce Kim. Stellar is also a payment technology that aims to connect financial institutions and drastically reduce the cost and time required for cross-border transfers. In fact, both payment networks used the same protocol initially.Distributed ExchangeThrough the use of its intermediary currency Lumens (Xlm), a user can send any currency that they own to anyone else in a different currency.For instance, if Joe wanted to send USD to Mary using her EUR, an offer is submitted to the distributed exchange selling USD for EUR. This submitted offer forms is known as an order book. The network will use the order book to find the best exchange rate for the transaction in-order to minimize the fee paid by a user.This multi-currency transaction is possible because of "Anchors". Anchors are trusted entities that hold people’s deposits and can issue credit. In essence, Anchors serves as the bridge between different currencies and the Stellar network.Lumens (Xlm)Lumens are the native asset (digital currency) that exist on the Stellar network that helps to facilitate multi-currency transactions and prevent spams. For multi-currency transactions, XLM is the digital intermediary that allows for such a transaction to occur at a low cost.In-order to prevent DoS attacks (aka spams) that would inevitably occur on the Stellar network, a small fee of 0.00001 XLM is associated with every transaction that occurs on the network. This fee is small enough so it does not significantly affect the cost of transaction, but large enough so it dissuades bad actors from spamming the network.Prior to Protocol 12, Stellar had a built-in inflation mechanism conceived to allow account holders to collectively direct inflation-generated lumens toward projects built on Stellar.As the network evolved and grew, it became increasingly clear that inflation wasn’t working as intended — account holders either didn’t set their inflation destination or joined inflation pools to claim the inflation themselves, and the operational costs associated with inflation payments continued to rise — and so a protocol change to disable inflation was proposed, implemented, voted on by validators, and ultimately adopted as part of a network upgrade.The inflation operation is now deprecated.
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