Litecoin(LTC) utu o nāianei $102.98| Cryptocurrency Litecoin(LTC) He aha te Ahua / He aha te heke mai? Pūmatuatanga o te maakete, Tuhia te mahere / tuunga maakete, Hokonga / tikanga hokohoko, Tauhokohoko / tari hokohoko / tari whakawhiti(LTC) 総合情報まとめ

Me whakapai ake taatau mo te hoko me te hoko me te tika o te tauhokohoko ma te wetewete i te mahere o nga rawa crypto

Litecoin(LTC) utu o nāianei $102.98| Cryptocurrency Litecoin(LTC) He aha te Ahua / He aha te heke mai? Pūmatuatanga o te maakete, Tuhia te mahere / tuunga maakete, Hokonga / tikanga hokohoko, Tauhokohoko / tari hokohoko / tari whakawhiti(LTC) 総合情報まとめ

Tukua e : Gvmg – Roopu Hokohoko Viral o te Ao
Ra whakahoutanga whakamutunga : 22/12/2024 UTC (Wha Ao Whanui)

Litecoin(LTC)の現在価格と時価総額 Litecoin(LTC)速報とニュースのお知らせ

Litecoin(LTC) 速報・ニュース

Te Pakaru i nga Panui mo te Cryptocurrencies | Korero Maakete | Meakea me te Ao / nga Haringa
Te Pakaru i nga Panui mo te Cryptocurrencies | Korero Maakete | Meakea me te Ao / nga Haringa
Litecoin(LTC) Ko nga korero whanui kei te tukuna i roto i te waa
2024年12月22日 (UTC:Wha Ao Whanui – 22/12/2024)


Litecoin(LTC) 速報・ニュースのお知らせです

moni Whakamuna Litecoin(LTC)Utu o naianei ko$102.98ko

OnāianeiLitecoin(LTC) 価格価値$102.98を、過去24時間(前日)の価格推移で比較すると、前日比-0.89% downの流動性、取引実績となりました

また、Litecoin(LTC)Nga moni inaianei:$102.98に対し、Litecoin(LTC) Pūmatuatanga mākete(Potae maakete moni)Ko$7.75 BVolume(Hokohoko / Volume)Kei te hopukina e ia

現在、Litecoin(LTC) Potae maakete moni(Litecoin / LTC maakete whakapaipai)Ko$7.75 Bko

Litecoin(LTC)がこの24時間で取引された総額(Volume / Volume / Volume)A, no teLitecoin(LTC)の価格変動率(Whakataurite ki te ra o mua)を数値化すると、Litecoin(LTC)Ko-0.89% downのボラティリティを示している事になります


リアルタイム配信中のLitecoin(LTC)ニュース・総合情報を参考に Litecoin(LTC) 現在価値 $102.98からの今後の展望、価格推移、Litecoin(LTC)の変動具合、将来性に注目し、Litecoin(LTC)の売買、Litecoin(LTC)トレード、エントリータイミングの指標として活用していきましょう

Hokona / Hokona te Litecoin

  • litecoin
    Litecoin (LTC)
  • Utu Ora
  • 24h %
  • Potae Maakete
    $7.75 B
  • Rōrahi
    $856.67 M
  • Whiwhi Whiwhi
    75.33 M LTC
  • Tūnga

tuhinga tohutoro:moni Whakamuna Litecoin(LTC) / (Potae maakete moni)

Hokona / Hokona te Litecoin




moni Whakamuna(moni mariko) He aha te utu mo te hea kua whakaritea? He aha te utu mo te wa-roa me te uara? He aha te heke mai?
moni Whakamuna(moni mariko) He aha te utu mo te hea kua whakaritea? He aha te utu mo te wa-roa me te uara? He aha te heke mai?



moni Whakamuna : Litecoin(LTC)He aha te Cryptocurrency : LitecoinHe aha nga ahuatanga o? Cryptomoni Litecoin(LTC)He aha te heke mai me te uara o? Moni mamati Litecoin(LTC)Utu / maakete whakapaipai / utu whakawhiti / rahinga(Te rahinga tauhokohoko)He aha?


Ingoa waitohu Cryptocurrency : Litecoin

Tohu tohu Cryptocurrency : LTC



Litecoin(LTC)I ngana ahau ki te whakarapopoto i nga ahuatanga o


Litecoin(LTC)He aha te
Litecoin(LTC)He aha?
Litecoin(LTC)He aha nga ahuatanga o?
Litecoin(LTC)He aha te utu o naianei?
Litecoin(LTC)Utu / maakete whakapaipai / utu whakawhiti / tuku / rahinga(Te rahinga tauhokohoko)He aha?
Litecoin(LTC)He aha te heke mai me te uara o?
Litecoin(LTC)E hia nga utu a muri ake nei?
Litecoin(LTC)Ko wai nga whakawhitinga ka taea te hoko me te hoko?
Litecoin(LTC)He whakawhitinga ka taea e koe te whakawhiti moni?

Cryptocurrency:Litecoin(LTC)価格予想など Litecoin(LTC) Tuhinga o mua!

Putanga Cryptocurrency:Litecoin(LTC) I naianei, nga korero o mua, te wetewete mahere, etc. Litecoin(LTC)Matapae tauhokohoko, wetewete hokohoko Litecoin(LTC)Ko nga moni mariko penei i te whakawhitinga, tari hoko, me nga tari whakawhitiwhiti e whai kiko ana mo te hoko me te hoko Litecoin(LTC) Ka taea hoki e koe te tirotiro i te raarangi o nga korero hokohoko i te raarangi.! Ano hoki, hei korero whai hua ma nga tamariki rangatahi Litecoin(LTC)Ka whakamaramatia hoki e maatau nga korero maina o nga cryptocurrency i te nuinga.!

Ingoa moni mariko:Litecoin(LTC)|Litecoin(LTC) Utu onaianei |Litecoin(LTC) Utu ora |Litecoin(LTC) 24Whakawhitinga utu mo te wa |Litecoin(LTC) Pūmatuatanga mākete |Litecoin(LTC) Te tuku me te rahi(Te rahinga tauhokohoko)|Litecoin(LTC) Te aro mātai rangatira

Ingoa waitohu Cryptocurrency : Litecoin
Tohu tohu Cryptocurrency : LTC

Ingoa moni mariko : Litecoin(LTC) |Litecoin(LTC)Utu onaianei |Litecoin(LTC)Utu ora |Litecoin(LTC)24-haora te utu whakawhiti |Litecoin(LTC)Pūmatuatanga mākete |Litecoin(LTC)Te tuku me te rahi(Te rahinga tauhokohoko)|Litecoin(LTC)Te aro mātai rangatira |Litecoin(LTC)Kia taatari i te rongonui me nga ia ia!

moni Whakamuna Litecoin(LTC)Tuhinga o mua!

2024年12月22日 UTC (Wha Ao Whanui) Nga rawa crypto o naianei Litecoin(LTC) Ka waiho hei ahuatanga ora!

Hokona / Hokona te Litecoin

  • litecoin
    Litecoin (LTC)
  • Utu Ora
  • 24h %
  • Potae Maakete
    $7.75 B
  • Rōrahi
    $856.67 M
  • Whiwhi Whiwhi
    75.33 M LTC
  • Tūnga

tuhinga tohutoro:moni Whakamuna Litecoin(LTC) / (Potae maakete moni)

Hokona / Hokona te Litecoin

moni Whakamuna:Litecoin(LTC) Pakaru Panui |Litecoin(LTC) Korero Maakete |Litecoin(LTC)Nga tumanakohanga kei te heke mai me te heke mai

moni Whakamuna:Litecoin(LTC)Pakaru Panui |Litecoin(LTC)Nga Korero Hou o te Maakete |Litecoin(LTC)Ka whakamohio atu matou ki a koe mo nga ra kei te heke mai, nga tumanakohanga me te tirohanga a meake nei, te matapae utu mo meake nei, etc.!

Taonga Cryptographic:Litecoin(LTC) He aha te utu o naianei? |Litecoin(LTC) Potae maakete moni(Pūmatuatanga mākete)He aha? | Me te ra i muaLitecoin(LTC)Whakataurite whakawhiti utu |Litecoin(LTC) Te mana o naianei / nga ahuatanga o te maakete / nga maakete |Litecoin(LTC)Anamata me te heke mai Utu matapae / matapae mākete

moni Whakamuna Litecoin(LTC)Utu o naianei ko$102.98ko

OnāianeiLitecoin(LTC) 価格価値$102.98を、過去24時間(前日)の価格推移で比較すると、前日比-0.89% downの流動性、取引実績となりました

また、Litecoin(LTC)Nga moni inaianei:$102.98に対し、Litecoin(LTC) Pūmatuatanga mākete(Potae maakete moni)Ko$7.75 BVolume(Hokohoko / Volume)Kei te hopukina e ia

現在、Litecoin(LTC) Potae maakete moni(Litecoin / LTC maakete whakapaipai)Ko$7.75 Bko

Litecoin(LTC)がこの24時間で取引された総額(Volume / Volume / Volume)A, no teLitecoin(LTC)の価格変動率(Whakataurite ki te ra o mua)を数値化すると、Litecoin(LTC)Ko-0.89% downのボラティリティを示している事になります


リアルタイム配信中のLitecoin(LTC)ニュース・総合情報を参考に Litecoin(LTC) 現在価値 $102.98からの今後の展望、価格推移、Litecoin(LTC)の変動具合、将来性に注目し、Litecoin(LTC)の売買、Litecoin(LTC)トレード、エントリータイミングの指標として活用していきましょう

Moni mamati:Litecoin(LTC)| Te ahuatanga o naianei me te utu utu Te ahuatanga o te maakete |Litecoin(LTC) Potae maakete moni(Pūmatuatanga mākete)Volume(Haere mai ki runga)Me te rangatiratanga?Litecoin(LTC) Ka piki te utu?Litecoin(LTC) Ka heke te utu?

Litecoin(LTC) Potae maakete moni(Pūmatuatanga mākete)Ko Litecoin(LTC) Ka waiho ano hei tohu tohu nui mo te piki haere, te hinganga, te hoko me te hoko mai, meake neiLitecoin(LTC)Whakamahia hei aratohu mo nga matapae utu me nga tohu tohu!

He aha te potae maakete moni?

Nga rama Cryptocurrency tae atu ki te altcoin me te maakete maakete!
Ko te kupu ko te potae maakete e whakamahia ana hei whakaahua i te maakete o nga maakete takitahi.、Ko te maakete maakete o te maakete katoa i etahi waa ka kiia ko te potae o te maakete.。

Kaute hei maha o nga hea i whakaputaina x utu kararehe。

Moni mamati : Litecoin(LTC) purongo

· Litecoin(LTC) I piki te utu? ano,Litecoin(LTC) Ka piki te utu?

· Litecoin(LTC) I heke te utu? Ano hoki,Litecoin(LTC) Ka heke te utu?

Litecoin(LTC) Nga ahuatanga o naianei me nga rereketanga utuLitecoin(LTC) Ka tukuna atu e matou ki a koe nga korero purongo mo te waa-tuuturu mo te ahuatanga o te maakete!

Moni mamati:Litecoin(LTC)| Te ahuatanga o naianei me te utu utu Te ahuatanga o te maakete |Litecoin(LTC) Potae maakete moni(Pūmatuatanga mākete)Volume(Haere mai ki runga)Me te rangatiratanga?Litecoin(LTC) Ka piki te utu?Litecoin(LTC) Ka heke te utu?

Moni mamati : Litecoin(LTC)
Potae maakete moni(Pūmatuatanga mākete)Volume(Haere mai ki runga)Me te rangatiratanga?


Litecoin(LTC) Potae maakete moni(Pūmatuatanga mākete)/ボリューム(Haere mai ki runga)/Rangatiratanga

USD(US taara)


Litecoin(LTC) Potae maakete moni(Pūmatuatanga mākete)/ボリューム(Haere mai ki runga)/Rangatiratanga



Litecoin(LTC) Potae maakete moni(Pūmatuatanga mākete)/ボリューム(Haere mai ki runga)/Rangatiratanga



Litecoin(LTC) Potae maakete moni(Pūmatuatanga mākete)/ボリューム(Haere mai ki runga)/Rangatiratanga

CHF(Parani Wiwi)


JPY(Yen Japanese)

Litecoin(LTC) Potae maakete moni(Pūmatuatanga mākete)/ボリューム(Haere mai ki runga)/Rangatiratanga


CNY(Yuan Hainamana)

Litecoin(LTC) Potae maakete moni(Pūmatuatanga mākete)/ボリューム(Haere mai ki runga)/Rangatiratanga

Ingoa Cryptocurrency:Litecoin(LTC) Tūtohi wā-tūturu |Litecoin(LTC) Tiwhikete taatai ​​/ raraunga whakataurite |Litecoin(LTC)whakataurite utu

OnāianeiLitecoin(LTC) Rarangi Tūtohi

Ingoa Cryptocurrency:Litecoin(LTC) He mahere tuuturu!

Litecoin(LTC) Tirohia te taatai ​​rarangi / maatauranga whakataurite raraunga!

I mua / o muaLitecoin(LTC)Whakatauritehia nga utu hei whakapai ake i te waa hokohoko me te tika o te tauhokohoko!

Litecoin(LTC) Ka taea te tirotiro i nga rarangi Tūtohi mo te waa 1 ra, 1 wiki, 1 marama, 3 marama, 1 tau!

Me whakapai ake taatau mo te hoko me te hoko me te tika o te tauhokohoko ma te wetewete i te mahere o nga rawa crypto
Me whakapai ake taatau mo te hoko me te hoko me te tika o te tauhokohoko ma te wetewete i te mahere o nga rawa crypto

Ingoa Cryptocurrency:Litecoin(LTC) Tūtohi wā-tūturu |Litecoin(LTC) Te taatai ​​rarangi / maatauranga whakataurite tuhinga | I Naianei / I MuaLitecoin(LTC)utu

Onāianei Litecoin(LTC) He mahere tuuturu Litecoin(LTC) Tirohia ki te raarangi tohatoha / maatauranga whakataurite raraungaLitecoin(LTC) Me ako e taatau te waa hokohoko mo nga tauhokohoko!

Litecoin(LTC)Nga tohu ka ara ake, ka hinga, ka huri whakamuri ranei(Raina Tautoko)Kia mataara tatou! I mua me muaLitecoin(LTC) Whakatauritehia nga utu,Litecoin(LTC)Aukati i te ngaro o nga mea angitu penei i te toa orau, te hua kaore i tutuki, te tapahi ngaro, me etahi atu, whiwhi i te kaha wetewete me te whakatau whakatau me te tikaLitecoin(LTC)Ako ki te hoko me te hoko whakatau haumi!

Hokona / Hokona te Litecoin

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Hokona / Hokona te Litecoin

Katoa nga moni mariko, altcoins, tohu ma te momo|Te whakawhitiwhiti moni / putea / reeti utu|pūtahuri|Tautoko o te ao / kaute tatau moni matua

Litecoin/LTC Tatau Cryptocurrency | Tatau tatauranga whakawhiti

Bitcoin(Bitcoin / BTC) Whakawhitinga Tere Tere / Moni Utu / Hokonga / Hokonga

LitecoinLTC Nga tuhinga whakarapopototanga wetewete hangarau | Hokona / Hokona Hihiani

Hokona / Hokona te Litecoin

Hokona / Hokona te Litecoin

Ingoa Cryptocurrency(Waitohu Cryptocurrency) Litecoin / LTC He aha te Litecoin / LTC He aha te mea?

Litecoin / LTC He korero taipitopito

Litecoin is a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency created by Charlie Lee. It was created based on the Bitcoin protocol but differs in terms of the hashing algorithm used. Litecoin uses the memory intensive Scrypt proof of work mining algorithm. Scrypt allows consumer-grade hardware such as GPU to mine those coins.Why Litecoin?Litecoin is a cryptocurrency that has evolved from Bitcoin after its own popularity in the industry, this alternative, or ‘altcoin’ has emerged to allow investors to diversify their digital currency package, according to Investopedia. Litecoin is one of the most prominent altcoins and was created by former Google employee and Director of Engineering at Coinbase, Charlie Lee. Litecoin was the first to alter Bitcoin and the most significant difference is that it takes 2.5 minutes for Litecoin to generate a block, or transaction, in comparison to Bitcoin's 10 minutes.‘While this matters little to traders, miners who use hardware to run Bitcoin's network cannot switch over to Litecoin. This keeps bigger mining conglomerates away from Litecoin because they cannot easily optimize their profits by swapping to another coin, contributing to a more decentralized experience. Litecoin also has bigger blocks, and more coins in circulation, making it more affordable and swift when transacting,’ Investopedia explained.As explained above, Litecoin can transact a lot faster than Bitcoin, but there are also a number of other characteristics that investors need to know before trading. Litecoin can handle higher volumes of transactions because of the capability of transacting faster and if Bitcoin attempted to transact on the scale of its altcoin, a code update would be needed. However, Litecoin’s blocks would be larger, but with more ‘orphaned blocks'. The faster block time of litecoin reduces the risk of double spending attacks - this is theoretical in the case of both networks having the same hashing power.Litecoin Technical Details:The transaction confirmation time taken for Litecoin is about 2.5 minutes on average (as compared to Bitcoin's 10 minutes). The Litecoin network is scheduled to cap at 84 million currency units.Litecoin has inspired many other popular alternative currencies (eg. Dogecoin) because of its Scrypt hashing algorithm in order to prevent ASIC miners from mining those coins. However it is said that by the end of this year, Scrypt ASIC will enter the mass market.

Tuhinga o mua

Te RaUtuRōrahiMaaketeMakete

Whakawhitinga / Whakawhitinga | Takirua Maakete

# ExchangePairUtuRōrahi (24h)UpdatedTrust Score

Cryptocurrency / moni mariko | Utu o naianei / uara maakete / rahinga / rahinga tauwhitinga rangatira mo te waa-tuuturu – TOP100

#IngoaUtuNga Panoni 24H Nga Panoni 7D Nga Panoni 30D Potae MaaketeRōrahi 24HWhiwhi WhiwhiKauwhata Utu (7D)

Hokona / Hokona te Litecoin

Utu mariko / utu cryptocurrency | Te Whakanuia / Te Whakanuia / Te Utu Te Whakanuia Te Reeti Waa Tuturu-TOP50

IngoaUtuNga Panoni 24H

Hokona / Hokona te Litecoin

Te moni mariko / cryptocurrency te utu o naianei | Te pikinga o raro / te hinga / te utu whakahekenga utu mo te wa tuturu-TOP50

IngoaUtuNga Panoni 24H

Hokona / Hokona te Litecoin

Whangai News Twitter

Twitter Pouaka Pouaka Panui News

Tukuna he arotake

Litecoin(LTC) utu o nāianei $102.98| Cryptocurrency Litecoin(LTC) He aha te Ahua / He aha te heke mai? Pūmatuatanga o te maakete, Tuhia te mahere / tuunga maakete, Hokonga / tikanga hokohoko, Tauhokohoko / tari hokohoko / tari whakawhiti(LTC) 総合情報まとめ

Whakaaria e : Moni Mariko o te Ao / Moni Cryptographic / Moni Moni A-Ao Hou Paetukutuku Paetukutuku Ao | Gvmg – Roopu Hokohoko Viral o te Ao



#IngoaRōrahi (24H)CountryEstablishedPaetukutuku Paetukutuku




Global Data Shortcode (For Specific Currency!)

(kaore he Miriona / piriona)uara whakahōpututia


Coin Symbol Shortcode LTC

Dynamic Title Shortcode

Litecoin(LTC) utu o nāianei $102.98| Cryptocurrency Litecoin(LTC) He aha te Ahua / He aha te heke mai? Pūmatuatanga o te maakete, Tuhia te mahere / tuunga maakete, Hokonga / tikanga hokohoko, Tauhokohoko / tari hokohoko / tari whakawhiti(LTC) 総合情報まとめ


Extra Data Shortcode

(Display coin social links and official website url.)

Calculator Shortcode

Custom Description Shortcode

Litecoin is a peer-to-peer cryptocurrency created by Charlie Lee. It was created based on the Bitcoin protocol but differs in terms of the hashing algorithm used. Litecoin uses the memory intensive Scrypt proof of work mining algorithm. Scrypt allows consumer-grade hardware such as GPU to mine those coins.Why Litecoin?Litecoin is a cryptocurrency that has evolved from Bitcoin after its own popularity in the industry, this alternative, or ‘altcoin’ has emerged to allow investors to diversify their digital currency package, according to Investopedia. Litecoin is one of the most prominent altcoins and was created by former Google employee and Director of Engineering at Coinbase, Charlie Lee. Litecoin was the first to alter Bitcoin and the most significant difference is that it takes 2.5 minutes for Litecoin to generate a block, or transaction, in comparison to Bitcoin's 10 minutes.‘While this matters little to traders, miners who use hardware to run Bitcoin's network cannot switch over to Litecoin. This keeps bigger mining conglomerates away from Litecoin because they cannot easily optimize their profits by swapping to another coin, contributing to a more decentralized experience. Litecoin also has bigger blocks, and more coins in circulation, making it more affordable and swift when transacting,’ Investopedia explained.As explained above, Litecoin can transact a lot faster than Bitcoin, but there are also a number of other characteristics that investors need to know before trading. Litecoin can handle higher volumes of transactions because of the capability of transacting faster and if Bitcoin attempted to transact on the scale of its altcoin, a code update would be needed. However, Litecoin’s blocks would be larger, but with more ‘orphaned blocks'. The faster block time of litecoin reduces the risk of double spending attacks - this is theoretical in the case of both networks having the same hashing power.Litecoin Technical Details:The transaction confirmation time taken for Litecoin is about 2.5 minutes on average (as compared to Bitcoin's 10 minutes). The Litecoin network is scheduled to cap at 84 million currency units.Litecoin has inspired many other popular alternative currencies (eg. Dogecoin) because of its Scrypt hashing algorithm in order to prevent ASIC miners from mining those coins. However it is said that by the end of this year, Scrypt ASIC will enter the mass market.
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> Te papaanga o te Cryptocurrency

Te papaanga o te Cryptocurrency

"Moni Mariko o te Ao / Moni Cryptographic / Moni A-Tauhira Taiao Awhina Ao Ao"

Ko te moni mariko e hangai ana ki te ao, cryptocurrency, poraka, momo papanga pāpori momo whanui whakarāpopototanga pae tomokanga

Paetukutuku purongo matawhānui mo nga rawa crypto, turanga tuku korero o te ao(Pae o te ao)Nga rama moni mariko nui, ingoa, momo, ahuatanga, rangatira, tere o te whakarereke, ngawari, utu, tikanga hoko, uara o te maakete, mahere o te waa-waahi, taonga, rangatira o te rahinga, me era atu hangarau Blockchain / hangarau, tauhokohoko / hoko / hoko o moni mamati Ko te tohatoha korero me te tohatoha viral ki nga taangata o te ao hei waahi purongo mo nga moni crypto katoa, tae atu ki nga purongo whaihua, pou, kaupapa, tuhinga.

Me haere tatou ki te marama me te kaihokohoko rawa o nga kaihokohoko
Moni mariko / rawa crypto Paetukutuku a-ao
Gvmg - Roopu Hokohoko Viral o te Ao